Static Coupon

Static Coupon Schema

The Static Coupon object has the following properties:

Data Model

couponCodeStringA string representing the coupon code.
creationDateStringA string representing the date on which the coupon was created.
expiryDateStringA string representing the date on which the coupon will expire.
discountTypeStringA string representing the type of discount offered by the coupon (e.g. 'percentage', 'amount', 'free item').
discountAmtNumberA number representing the discount amount, if applicable.
discountPectNumberA number representing the discount percentage, if applicable.
discountItemNumberA number representing the number of items that are discounted, if applicable.
freeItemStringA string representing the item that is offered for free, if applicable.
skuIdsArray of StringAn array of string representing the SKUs that are eligible for the discount.
conditionsArray of StringAn array of string representing the conditions that must be met in order to be eligible for the discount.
campaignStringA string representing the marketing campaign associated with the coupon.
titleStringA string representing the title of the coupon.
descStringA string representing the description of the coupon.
userLimitNumberA number representing the number of times the coupon can be used by a single user.
enabledBooleanA boolean indicating whether the coupon is currently active.
redeemedByArray of StringAn array of string representing the users who have already redeemed the coupon.
formatStringA string representing the format of the coupon code.


  couponCode: "HOT50",
  creationDate: "2023-03-10",
  expiryDate: "2023-04-10",
  discountType: "1",
  discountAmt: 0,
  discountPect: 10,
  discountItem: 0,
  freeItem: "",
  skuIds: ["SKU123", "SKU456"],
  conditions: [{parameter:"payment.amount", compare:"greater", value:"500"}],
  campaign: "Spring Sale",
  title: "10% off your purchase",
  desc: "Get 10% off your purchase of $50 or more with this coupon",
  userLimit: 3,
  enabled: true,
  redeemedBy: ["user123"],
  format: "COUPON-$*$"