SKU Schema

A SKU object represents a stock-keeping unit which is a unique identifier assigned to a product in a store's inventory management system. It contains information about the product, such as its name, cost, and category.

Data Model

skuIdStringThe unique identifier for the SKU.
nameStringThe name of the product associated with the SKU.
costNumberThe cost of the product associated with the SKU.
categoryStringThe category of the product associated with the SKU.
enabledBooleanIndicates whether the SKU is currently enabled or disabled.


  skuId: "102",
  name: "Carrots",
  cost: 30,
  category: "Vegitables",
  enabled: true


This example represents a SKU for a pair of Nike Air Max shoes, with a cost of $99.99 and belonging to the "Shoes" category. The SKU is currently enabled.