
Customers Schema

The Customer object represents a customer and contains information about their name, income, email, phone number, recency, region, number of deals/purchases, number of web purchases, number of store purchases, customer for how long and age.

Data Model

namestringA string representing the name of the customer.
emailstringA string representing the email of the customer.
phonenumberA number representing the phone number of the customer.
recencynumberA number representing the recency of the customer.
regionstringA string representing the region of the customer. (default: 'IN')
NumberofDealsPurchasesnumberA number representing the number of deals or purchases made by the customer.
NumberofWebPurchasesnumberA number representing the number of purchases made by the customer through web.
NumberofStorePurchasesnumberA number representing the number of purchases made by the customer through physical stores.
Customer_FornumberA number representing the duration of time for which the customer has been associated with the business.
AgenumberA number representing the age of the customer.


  name: "John Smith",
  email: "",
  phone: 1234567890,
  recency: 30,
  region: "IN",
  NumberofDealsPurchases: 10,
  NumberofWebPurchases: 5,
  NumberofStorePurchases: 5,
  Customer_For: 2,
  Age: 35